August 19, 2013

Great Service (From Good to Great)

I always complain about bad service. 

I rave about In N Out's burgers. But Five Guys isn't too shabby! (and they're available right here in Michigan ... ) 

I'm trying not to complain so much. Really. I have to do less of that.

I also have to stop making excuses when I get bad service. Because I'm empathetic, I always rationalize bad service. I'm working hard to stop.

With that, I think we always get good service at (or from) …

Navarre Ford in Alma, Michigan, especially our salesman, Bob. Even when things go wrong, the folks at Navarre aim to please. I suppose that's the way it should be when you spend a bit there to buy a couple of cars.

Five Guys Burger and Fries in Greektown in Detroit. Very customer oriented and efficient. I've never had a complaint, even when I'm 20th in line after a concert or baseball game late at night.

Allegiant Air's customer service representatives always make up for the poor flight management. It's somebody's fault that flights are late, cancelled, or the plane's just plain messed up. It doesn't make the experience any better but that they listen and seem to care counts for something.

Of course, you can't beat Zappos or Amazon. But they're not even real, are they?

Locally, the folks at Honor Bank take great care of us and our family. TBA Credit Union also provides top notch service.

I set out to write another complaint but I decided instead to offer up some encouragement. There are great places out there doing great things. We have to appreciate and applaud the service that we expect or that goes way above and beyond our expectations.

Once on vacation in Milwaukee (well, okay, it was for professional development) but I ordered a Pepsi at a restaurant that didn't service Pepsi. The waitress said she would be right back and ended up going and buying a can of Pepsi. I don't know if it was a slow day or if she was the original Purple Cow!

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