February 24, 2007

Writing ... Again (Educational Post)

I have been working on my field study/thesis for my Education Specialist Degree for a long time now. I have to finish it in the next couple of weeks, submit it, and hopefully graduate in May. Then, I will have to decide the next degree to work on ...

The topic of my study is "New Teacher Induction." It's something that I am fired up about, something I think schools do a poor job of incorporating. At two different school districts, I have helped to get a program started. I became interested after a poor induction into education in the mid-1990s.

The most frustrating thing about this thesis is that schools in Michigan are not hiring teachers like they were just a few years ago. The economic status of our state is depressing. Things are not looking good. Governor Granholm promises money to schools ... but where is it going to come from.

The innovative tax structure and change called Proposal A back in 1994 had a great effect on schools. A rich school, like Elk Rapids Public Schools, was hurt by Prop. A in the long run. A poor school, like Vestaburg, benefited. But, it's thirteen years later, and something has to give.

New teachers will arrive again. We'll be ready!

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