June 11, 2016

Detroit Nine in '16

The Sox Caved, Now What

I'm not convinced that I have any idea how the Detroit Tigers may do this season. The might be good enough to maybe qualify for the playoffs. I guarantee that this team might be good enough. The Tigers this season have been up and down, kind of like Todd Jones is still around controlling the roller coaster. At least the Tigers haven't just completely given up as it appears the White Sox have already. The "Curse of the Kid" is rearing it's ugly head. When the Sox were 23–10, it seemed the Laroche situation helped the squad; now, it appears that that was not the case.

We don't want the season to "melt" away.

I really started today's discussion for one thing. The Tigers can be fun to watch and they can be … not so fun to watch. One scenario that seems to be rearing it's ugly head far more than in the past is the new Wednesday get–away–day followed by an off day Thursday. This is probably awesome and needed for the players, but for those of us who have to work, we go from Tuesday to Friday between watching the team. It's also hard to listen to a Wednesday afternoon game on the radio.

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