January 01, 2010

2010: The Year of Change

Well, it's January 1, 2010. Can you believe it's already 2010? Twenty–ten. It was so long ago that we were looking at the new Millennium and wondering if we would be able to safely enter a new century.

My favorite blogger and author Seth Godin predicted that this next decade will see vast change. But let's be real: this next 10 years will go FAST. I've been throwing around an idea for a planning process called 2020 vision. What will happen over the next 10 years will happen, and happen fast.

This year's 2nd graders will graduate in 2020. What will their world look like? Think of how PDAs, computers, and video games have drastically morphed. Imagine the classroom student computer of the future!

The Heitmeyers are working on some major changes of their own. Amy, down in Florida, will no longer be down in Florida. She's moving to Alexandria, Virginia, and a new job. My Uncle John (not a Heitmeyer) Morgan and his family are moving from Clarkston, Mich., to Wolverine. It's going to be a year of change.

Mom and Dad Heitmeyer are in Florida right now, getting ready to move Amy to Virginia. We'll see them in Florida in March, but they might be coming home in the in–between. Life happens and it happens quickly. Change is in the air. Twenty–ten is going to be a year of "hellos" and "good–byes."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

*Hmmmm any other changes?

*What happens every 201 years?
