February 21, 2009

Culmination and Elation (Or not ...)

If you were part of four state championship teams, wouldn't you be elated?

Really, isn't winning the state title the culmination of incredible hard work and dedication?

I recently spoke to someone who played on four MHSAA state championship teams.

Because of the high level of emotions I've witnessed when teams win the District or Regional round, I asked, "Did you cry after each title?"

She replied, "No, we were so glad the season was over, we just left."

We just left.

We were glad the season was over.

I was surprised.

I prodded.

It seems that three hour practices, an hour of video review, and a team activity (though only three nights a week) takes it toll.

I had heard of the coach and asked questions about him. The way people go about winning (and/or losing) has always been an interest of mine.

Apparently, he was demanding, demanding, demanding. He required total dedication. Of course, when you win, your "evil" ways are expected and accepted. I've heard this with a few local coaches who consistently win and their unusual actions are "accepted," if not expected. Nine state titles. And your team is always glad the season is over.

What is the cost of winning?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dont worry, where your at, NOBODY, and I mean NOBADY is willing to sacrifice or dedicate themselves to putting forth the effort to achieve a state title in any sport. Softball, volleyball, basketball, or even the CULT OF FOOTBALL.