April 12, 2008

Replacing Dontrelle Willis

Photo Copyright © 2008 by Roger DeWitt, Lakeland, FLA

Are you ready to inject this season with some high tech fuel?

Some will say "do it."

Some will say "don't."

It will be controversial.

It will be second guessed.

It will the third guessed.

It will be the best move the Tigers can make RIGHT NOW.

Bring Rick Porcello up to Detroit. Let him take Dontrelle Willis' spot.

The kid isn't a kid. He pitched at a prep school. A prep school is not a high school. He probably hasn't played high school caliber players in a few years. He's probably not READY to dominate the major leagues, but he's probably ready to pitch in the major leagues. If he's so much like Josh Beckett, give a call to Lakeland. Take the "Flying" off of his resume. Make him a Tiger.

Is it an aggressive move? Sure it is. But he's probably more ready than Cameron was last summer when the Tigers need the infusion that NEVER arrived.

It's time. It's Rick time in Tigerland.

1 comment:

Brock Delaney said...

Who is Armando Gallaraga? I can honestly say I am more frustrated with the Tigers so far this season than I have been as a Lions fan for 25 years. So many expectations and day after day nothing, Rick. Granderson hopefully will be the answer because a 2-9 start sure does hurt.