Suddenly Back In Time
The strangest thing happened after dinner tonight.
I was dumping out a couple day old bottle of ginger ale when I was suddenly someplace else.
Actually, the ginger ale is known only to people of Michigan: Vernors. It's considered one of Detroit's finest products, like cars and Stroh's, I suppose.
Suddenly, I was back in the late 1970s at my grandparents' Airstream Trailer. It was the strangest sensation. I was looking out the window but imagining it was about 1979. Probably in Florida. It really caught me off guard. Grandpa used to drink Vernors, I believe. I had to snap myself out of it. I smiled and said, "You're not going to believe what just happened ..." I'm telling all of you because I know you'll know what I mean!
It is amazing when a smell can send you someplace so far away and long ago. In a way, it seemed like not too long ago. Maybe in the big scheme of life, 27 years isn't that much.
Sure are a lot of memories in 27 years ...
Have a great night!!!
Maybe it was a sign from your Grandpa letting you know that you're still connected even though he is physically not here. I get those sensations now and then. Have a "peaceful" night!
Very nice post...27 years did/does go by quicker than we think sometimes..a good reminder to make some "good memories"!;)
Back in the 70's they were taking something other than Vernor's to get out of body experiences, the song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" from the Beatles hit album St. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band comes to mind. It is nice to know that Michigan has a product in the 2000's that creates the same experience and it comes with in a ten cent returnable can. LOL
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