January 18, 2018



There's somthing 'bout this Sunday
It's the most peculiar gray
Strollin' down the avenue that's known as A1A
Feelin tired, then I got inspired
I knew it wouldn't last long
So all alone I walked back home
Sat on the beach and there I made up this song

— J. Buffett — 

Who can't agree with Mr. Buffett's lyrics? It's about inspiration … at all the wrong times. Buffett had been living in Key West for a couple years at the time, and when he wrote the song "Tryin' to Reason With Hurricane Season," he told us when he wrote the tune. When I set out to write a blog post this afternoon, my focus was on writing about my progression from Franklin Covey Planners to electronic PDAs, to Moleskine calendars, and on to the Bullet Journal. Then, suddenly, I decided I needed a quote of some kind to post at the top of my page. So I thought to myself, "Hurricane Season" has some great lines that will set the pace. Then, the lyrics I chose are about inspiration, not necessarily planning. Inspiration and planning go together, but they're not mutually exclusive ... 

I've spent many years trying to get organized in just the right way. I've tried every coding system there could possibly be. I was a Franklin Covey addict for many years, then morphed into the PDA style and eventually onto the computer. I now use a homemade planner that I design myself along with Google Calendar. It seems to work pretty well. When I discovered the work of Mike Rhode and the Bullet Journal folks, I found the pieces I had been missing. So, I learn often, try different things in the Bullet Journal, and aim to get organized. 

I wonder who my audience is these days? 

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