December 10, 2016


GUNSLINGER: The Remarkable, Improbable, Iconic Life of Brett Favre

I can't believe it was two-and-a-half years ago that I won a contest, but it was. In February 2014, we were on vacation in Florida, down for Spring Training. I'm a big fan of Jeff Pearlman's work and actually had already pre-ordered his new book at the time, SHOWTIME. His contest asked for some PR/Marketing ideas, so I wrote him some ideas that I thought would be cool, even mentioned how my favorite rocker, Kid Rock, could capitalize on these ideas. I entered the contest near the deadline, but I was the chosen winner. Jeff let me know that I had won and even blogged about it. So, now every time he publishes a book, I get a copy. Now, that's a pretty cool contest prize. 

The other day, my autographed copy of GUNSLINGER arrived in the mail. I can't wait to read it as I have read most of Pearlman's books, but definitely the last couple. He does more research than most authors and digs deep into the content. He makes his biographies read like novels and I think that is so key for writers. If you are able to put your reader into the story, it makes the story better and the reading quicker. For example, when reading THE ROCKET THAT FELL TO EARTH, there were times when it was almost like Pearlman was telling "the rest of the story" because we knew the headline and the main story, but now we were reading the truth. 

You can read an excerpt of the new book here. Pearlman even gives his background information on GUNSLINGER in a blog post, if you're interested. 

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