February 08, 2009

A–Fraud (And all his friends ...)

Well, there is not much I can say about Alex Rodriguez that hasn't been written. Everyone has a different opinion of what he should do. Personally, I would like to see A–Rod do something that no one else has had the "guts" to do:

"I would like to admit something. I want to be the best baseball player ever. Better than Barry Bonds, better than Babe Ruth, better than anyone. I began using steroids in 19XX. I would like to apologize, but can't. In an effort to be the best best baseball player in the history of the game, I made the choice to use 'juice.' If you think I am the only one who uses them, you are wrong. Jose Canseco, as much of a jerk as he is — he's right."

I read years ago that Pete Rose claimed that all players use "greenies" to stay alert during the grueling 162 game season. He made it seem okay.

If anyone thought that Brady Anderson's sudden 50–homer power in 1996 was natural ... It was two years later and a few years after the 1994 strike when Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire chased each other in an epic home run battle.

But, you have to remember ... baseball knew it was happening (who didn't) so why does it all the sudden matter so much? Baseball allowed it to happen.

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