November 30, 2008

Beloit College Mindset List

Are you looking for something fun to do? Here's an opportunity, you can check out Beloit College's Mindset list. This year's focuses on students who will be part of the college graduating Class of 2012. They were born in 1990. Here are just a few, 10 or so. You can read them all right here.

• Harry Potter could be a classmate, playing on their Quidditch team.
• Since they were in diapers, karaoke machines have been annoying people at parties.
• They have always been looking for Carmen Sandiego.
• GPS satellite navigation systems have always been available.
• Coke and Pepsi have always used recycled plastic bottles.
• Shampoo and conditioner have always been available in the same bottle.
• Gas stations have never fixed flats, but most serve cappuccino.
• Their parents may have dropped them in shock when they heard George Bush announce “tax revenue increases.”
• Electronic filing of tax returns has always been an option.
• Girls in head scarves have always been part of the school fashion scene.

My how things have changed. When I arrived at college in 1990 in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, we freshmen had never heard of "wireless," let alone sent more than one email. As a freshman at Central Michigan University, Professor Elliot Parker (a photojouranlism teacher) required us to send him an electronic mail. I still remember my address: We had to login on a 900 baud modem and send an email and check out usenet groups. It was quite interesting. Quite forward thinking.

Check this list out. It's cool.

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