March 13, 2008

Icy Roads

Oh, I'm ready for some spring weather.

Heading up to Traverse City this morning for Mi–Life, the roads were slippery, snow was flying in place, rain in others. As I headed down Supply Road near Kalkaska on the way into TC, ice began to form on the windshield.

"Oh, no, I muttered. Not icy roads again." Okay, that's not exactly what I muttered ...

By the afternoon when we left class, the weather was a comfortable 40° and sunny. As they say, "Only in Michigan ..."

Overall, the class was beneficial. I learned a few tricks to use in Microsoft Excel, found and interesting compilation of information that is available to teachers, and learned some additional Web 2.0 programs for people to use.

Are you interested in taking part in Mi–Life? The second session is available for application now. I have enjoyed it and actually look forward to each session.

Consider applying for a chance to be in the second cohort of the Mi–Life series.

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