October 13, 2006

The Ticket Affect

Yesterday afternoon, Ken called me and said he had a "source" who could line us up with "really good tickets" for Saturday night/afternoon/days game. We thought it was a done deal. Done enough to call a few people and tell them they were "in." Then, just like the Tigers' Central Division Championship hunt, the tickets were no longer ours for the purchase. Bummer. We had been geeked.

Brown, another longtime Tiger fan, and I have a class together on Thursday nights from 7-10. He showed up last night and we talked about being bummed out to not have tickets for Saturday's game. Anyway, we talked about how we had gone from geeked to disappointed in a span of a few hours. Sound familiar?

Well, like the Tigers moving on into the playoffs and playing those vaunted Yankees, as class concluded last night, I decided to log onto Tigers/Ticketmaster and see what could be done.

"Brownie, I've got tickets. Are you in? Seriously, dude, are you in?"

He said he was. I tried to call Ken. And Dan (Dan, you still reading this blog?) I called Losey to tell him some tickets had arrived. He talked about not getting a press pass for this week-end. I said I had tickets to buy and got back into the computer thing. The professor kind of watched us and listened to our interactions (yes, class was over!)

Anyway, I ended up buying four standing room only tickets. So, like last week-end, we'll stand up for most of the game. It should be exciting. I don't know if they'll change the time five more times or not. I guess if it's snowing/raining in New York tomorrow morning, maybe the game will be moved back to 8:30 p.m. This jockeying of times ... oh, I'll stop complaining, they're in the playoffs!!!

I called Ken on the way home from class. His first words: "Dude, D-Lo came through and we have six tickets for Saturday. That James guy, he didn't know me and didn't want to sell them to me."

I said, "That's crazy because I just bought four standing room only tickets. We'll move 'em, we'll move 'em."

Readers, this will shock you because you know Ken (Tuna Can) so well, but HE WAS LYING! But, the funny thing, he thinks I'M LYING too. I guess when we get to Detroit and HAVE tickets, somebody will be telling the truth!!! (And it ain't him)

4:30 p.m. today, if you don't already know.

And, if you might want to go, check out tigers.com.

Oh, yeah! Baby (said like Arthur P., if possible ...) Losey, did you buy a ticket yet?

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