September 12, 2006

People push buttons

Good morning, bloggers!

Do you know anyone who tends to "push your buttons"? We all know people like that, right. Sometimes it's our spouse, sometimes a good friend, sometimes a colleague. I find myself handling each different scenario differently. I made a decision recently, for whatever reason, that I am no longer going to let others affect my day or my attitude. Maybe I made the decision a long time ago, but now I'm really acting on it.

How do you handle it when someone (often purposely) tries to negatively affect your day (and your attitude)?

We are all different with varying expectations from each other. We have to realize this and underestand that people are "strange."

Thanks for tuning in. I'll be waiting to see some comments about "buttons."


Anonymous said...

People push our buttons everyday and in everyway. Sometimes positively and sometimes negatively. However, each and every one of us have a different set of experiences and a different set of values that help to define who we are. Just because someones values or experiences are different from our own, does not make that person a bad person or WRONG. It makes them just that, different. It is also unfortunate that we are often only remembered or judged by the mistakes that we make. Especially in this society of ours is this true. You could do 100 things great, be helpful, be a great teacher, be a team player, However, that 1 time you screw up, you will be labeled forever. That 1 mistake will never be forgotted, but those 100 positive attributes, will be lost forever.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the above person. Sometimes I feel that way at work, I wonder if my boss remembers all the right things I have done....he sure remembers all the wrong things I have done.

Anonymous said...

I agree some with others, however, I think that the way people view you is more about the way you view yourself and portray yourself to others than about a few mistakes. After all, if we were are judged by that one mistake (ok, many mistakes for some of us) then ablsolutly no one would go down in history as a "great" person.
Keep smiling and being positive.