September 09, 2006

Concluding the first week of school

The students came back to school this week. At Sheridan Elementary School, we enrolled 13 students on the first day -- 13! It never slowed down that day ... people after people coming into the office to enroll their children. This is a double-edged sword, however: 1) schools are financed based on enrollment, so more kids is good; 2) we now average 30 students per class in grades 1-3. We have done some creative things to try to help, but we have keep creating ideas to alleviate the "problem" of managing 30 students.

On Thursday, we had a fog delay ... I don't remember having a delay during the first week of school, well, ever. Some interesting aspects developed during that morning, as well, with regard to student management. This is something we will discuss at a staff meeting next week.

We made a few tweaks to the schedule during the first week ... all in the effort to create efficiency. We also altered some other activities during the day, including lunch times and specials times. We'll continue to find ways to create effective, efficient education for students.

Overall, the week was good. Students are excited to be back in class. Most are eager to learn. And all are excited to see friends they haven't seen since June. Others are busy making new friends.

It's good to have the students back! Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

So glad that week one is over! More procedures and routines next week and then smooth sailing for the rest of the year! (I'm trying to be positive!)

Rick said...

Attitude is a little word that makes a big difference! And a positive attitude ... what a difference!!! It's going to be a great year ...