August 03, 2006

Grandpa's Influence

This post previously appeared on Jimmy Leyland's Boys. It is used by permission:

Okay, this will probably turn into a couple of tributes. Today would be my Grandpa's 91st birthday, but he passed away last October. As I mentioned earlier, Grandpa is a major influence on me becoming a baseball fan ... Well, during the '76 season, I was given a special gift: an autographed Mark Fidrych baseball. Grandpa was very good friends with Detroit News sportswriter, Joe Falls -- and Mr. Falls was able to get me the autographed ball. It's still displayed today on my "ball wall of fame" on the mantle above our fireplace.

Several years later -- it seemed like it then -- I asked if I could possibly get an autographed ball from Pat Underwood, a left-handed pitcher from the late '70s/early 80's. This was in the spring of '79 and Mr. Falls came through again. It was pretty cool, but on the other side, another dude signed the ball. It said, "Ricky, hang in Tiger, Kirk Gibson." He was in his first Spring Training camp and a possible future star.

Hey, there is nobody out there more excited that Grandpa about this season ... guaranteed!!!

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