Harbor Days and Short's Fest
The New New Thing in ER
Harbor Days in Elk Rapids, Mich., is an annual holiday for my family and many of our friends. Harbor Days features the midway, the parade, and some other traditional activities. Harbor Days has grown stale. It's the same thing — year in and year out. The parade hasn't changed. It's gone dull. Having said that, it's still a great event in a wonderful little town. It's a chance to reconnect with friends every August.Harbor Days means the end of summer. My dad has been saying that for years.
"Well, now that Harbor Days is over, so is summer."For the past six or so years, the Short's Brewery has hosted an event called Short's Fest. Short's Fest has invigorated Harbor Days. It added a new element to the annual excursion. Short's Fest is always packed and it's a great place for ERHS alums to catch up. Short's Fest is Saturday afternoon and it somewhat clashes with the events that happen Saturday night.
The main event Saturday night is the fireworks display that usually starts at 10:20. Except in the past few years, the event has been cancelled due to weather. So, I'm suggesting that the Harbor Days folks consider a MAJOR adjustment to Harbor Days: move the fireworks show to Friday night (so they would presumably have Saturday as a "rain" day). Short's Fest has been such an injection of fun for the Harbor Days fans as well as the community (and, I think, many additional visitors.)
All I'm suggesting is moving the fireworks to Friday night. I'm sure there are detractors to the idea who will say, "Then no one will stay for Saturday." I don't think that will be true. I think it would bring more excitement to the big event. Harbor Days has been around for 61 years — a little adjustment in the schedule is going to be okay.
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