Cheers to the Class of 2014
Cheers to the Class of 2014
(This post originally appeared on
Another school year is winding up quickly. Sure, it seems like we just returned to school in September, but a lot has happened in the past several months. Overall, it has been a good school year for our students and community. We received a second consecutive Bronze Medal from US News; our soccer team finished as the MHSAA District runner–up two years after finishing the season 0–18; we had cross country runners at State; we had track and field state finalists. Our student leaders organized events throughout the year for our students. Our PTO provided many opportunities and popcorn Fridays for Buckley students. The welcome back t–shirts were once again awesome!
Buckley Community Schools continues to move forward. We have strategic focal points in place as we try to grow — in a number of ways, including student population, student academic growth, and our district’s fund balance. We strive to have the best educational opportunities in the region.
We are proud that Buckley Community Schools is such an important part of the community. Indeed, while we graduated 26 young men and women last Sunday, it was not only the school who helped prepare them for graduation and their futures: it truly takes a community to raise its children. This is a fine group of graduates who will make their mark on the world. We all have enjoyed getting to know them during their school careers.
Recently, Ms. Papineau the 12th grade English teacher, provided an assignment to the students: write your top ten list of what you wish you had known as a freshman. The project resulted in great advice; the thoughts were so good and thought–provoking, that Mr. Heitmeyer compiled them for his brief “speech” that he shares with each graduating class, just prior to conferring their diplomas and introducing them as Buckley Community School graduates. Essentially, the students wrote it for themselves this year. We’ve been asked by a few graduates and their parents if I would share “their advice.”
Without any further delay, your secrets to success:
- Go to school every day. Don’t skip because you might miss something important.
- Get good grades. Your GPA could be the difference between going to college, going to a good college, or spending time repairing grades just to get into college.
- He or she is not your soulmate. It is not the end of the world when you break up. And you will. Because you’re only 14.
- That phase you’re going through — your hair, those pants, etc. Enough said.
- Don’t fall asleep in Mr. Waterson’s class. Oh, and he will set you on fire. Not necessarily when you’re sleeping.
- Make friends. Find your people. Stick with them. And make memories.
- Don’t blow off your freshman year. You will regret it.
- Listen to your teachers. Don’t call them nice (right Mrs. Somsel?) Understand that sarcasm can get you in trouble. But listen.
- High school goes fast. (So does life).
- Get involved. Play sports. Do things. Go to events. Get to know your classmates. Don’t ignore them for three years and suddenly decide you want to get to know them. They’re good people. It truly goes fast.
And now, seniors, REMEMBER that advice. Because if you’re going to the NMC, Northern Michigan University, the ARMY, work, or wherever —— every bit of advice you gave to the eighth graders is more relevant than ever for YOU.
Congratulations to the Class of 2014!
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