April 02, 2014

Security Changes

This is not the new replay system. At all. 

The new security measures at Major League Baseball games are — in a word — absurd.

What normally would have taken three minutes on Monday afternoon took 35 minutes. I missed the first half of the first inning, all the introductions, Chet Lemon throwing out the first pitch … Sure, MLB said "Get there early," but what does that mean. I imagine if you got there early and the gates weren't open, you just stood in line.

Oh, in line. There was no rhyme or reason. I would bet there must have been 50 people who just walked into line and walked in with no one directing them. Those of us who had been waiting didn't make a fuss because we just wanted to get in the game (that was my train of thought, anyway).

Lafayette Coney Island still makes the best coney dog in the city. Maybe in the state. 

We missed Kenny Kreiner, but Steve Lott, Mark Grossbauer, me, and John Huckins had fun in the city. 

Courtney and I enjoyed lunch at Pub Rub Bar B Q (with the gang) then enjoyed the ballgame. 

Can you believe the sauces … Kansas City v. Detroit. 

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